

Strawberries are members of the Rosaceae family, known botanically as Fragaria ananassa. In the early 1700’s, French prospectors brought a larger cultivar from Chile back to Europe which was cross-bred with smaller berries there, thus creating the modern strawberry. Technically, strawberries aren’t really berries - true berries stem from one flower with one ovary and typically have several seeds, while strawberries are derived from a single flower, making them what is known as an “aggregate fruit." You can find strawberry in the Strawberry Blueberry Every Bar!


  • Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium, Manganese
  • they are packed full of antioxidants
  • have been used in either medicinal or religious contexts
  • Strawberries have properties to detoxify free radicals 
  • true berries have seeds on the inside of the fruit while a strawberry has its seeds on the outside



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