Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

The Sesame plant has ancient roots in cultures ranging from modern day India to North Africa. Sesame seeds are widely considered to be the oldest oilseed crop known to the historic record. Archaeological digs suggest that sesame was first domesticated in the Indian subcontinent dating back 5,500 years ago and that Harappa (The Indus Valley Civilization) traded sesame oil to Mesopotamia and the great near eastern region, where it was known as ‘ilu’ in Sumerian. 


  • Sesame Seeds are rich in several B vitamins and iron, magnesium, calcium
  • great source of phosphorus and zinc
  • contains a variety of antioxidants including a form of Vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol
  • studies have shown Sesame Seeds may improve blood pressure
  • Sesame Seeds contain a lignin called Sesamol, which studies have shown have evidence in having anti-cancer effects




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