The Bar

So is there really *Every* Nut and Seed in this bar?

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The Every Bar contains "Every Nut and Seed we can pack into it" which comes out to a magical number of 18. This certainly isn't every nut and seed in the world, but we like to think it's pretty impressive! :)

Should I keep my bars in the fridge or the pantry?

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The Every Bar can be kept and enjoyed at room temperature and has a shelf life of one year, so if you prefer a more ambient storage space like your pantry that definitely works, but we do suggest keeping them in a cool place!

We have heard some consumers like to keep their bars in the fridge as it tends to firm them up a bit and we at Every Foods also love the texture at a cooler temperature, but they are also delicious at room temperature as well so we will also keep them in the pantry!

Ultimately, this is a preference to the consumer and we hope you LOVE your Every Bars as much as we do!

What is the shelf life of this bar?

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The Every Bar has a shelf life of about 12 months and we rely on a well-formulated recipe that keeps water levels low enough to prevent the need to to add chemical preservatives or synthetic shelf life extenders that some brands may choose to use.

The bar's longevity can also be attributed to the fact that its constituant ingredients in and of themselves have naturally long shelf lives - dried fruits, nuts, and seeds so the bar's ability to stay fresh comes down to selecting the right whole food ingredients that act both as nutritional powerhouses and reliable storage foods.

If you think you've spotted an Every Bar that just doesn't look, smell, or feel quite right you can return it through our retailer's return system. We'd much rather you be on the safe side but we are confident in the quality of our product before sending anything out!

Is there sugar added to this bar?

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Nope! The Every Bar relies entirely on whole, plant-based ingredients to naturally create a sweet flavor. This comes primarily from our organic California dates but each Every Bar flavor contains two additional dried fruits depending on which one you choose, so try all three flavors and decide which you like best!

Is The Every Bar® Vegan?

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Every Foods™ is a Vegan company so not only is the bar itself vegan but we're fully committed to vegan principles in all that we do as a company culture.

The ingredients found in The Every Bar® are all plant-based and sourcing for the bar always takes into account where the ingredients came from and how they were produced to ensure that they're aligned with our ethical principles as a company.

Is The Every Bar® Gluten Free?

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Yes! All three flavors are naturally gluten-free as the ingredients making up the bars are fruits, nuts, seeds, and small quantities of both Himalayan pink salt and cassava root fiber - all of which are naturally gluten-free food products.

The facility in which the bars are produced is not however a dedicated fully gluten-free facility.

Every Foods™ hopes to receive certification to display on our packaging soon but as a small business we've still got a lot of growing to do!

Is The Every Bar® Kosher?

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At this time Every Foods™ does not feature any product certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union or any other certification-granting authority.

As a small business we are certainly in our growth phase so this is something we look forward to pursuing in the future!

Does The Every Bar® add any vitamins, minerals, or supplements to the bars?

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Nope! The nutrition found in these bars comes entirely from whole foods plant-based ingredients used in the bars themselves.

Every Foods™ doesn't have any added supplements, powders, or boosters of any kind in our products so when you have an Every Bar you know you're having a raw fruit, nut and seed bar rather than a processed protein bar or synthetic meal replacement product.

Is this bar minimally processed?

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The Every Bar® is a raw nut and seed bar made by milling a wide variety of nuts and seeds into a flour ("Every Flour") and binding this mixture together with dried fruits including organic California dates and two differing dried fruits depending on the flavor you choose.

The Every Bar® has no added sugars, nor preservatives, nor chemical emulsifiers, nor synthetic binders so when you bite into one you know you're getting simple whole foods plant-based ingredients.

What is Cassava Fiber Syrup?

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Cassava is a root vegetable similar to the sweet potato that is native to South America and likely first cultivated by the ancient Maya in Mesoamerica. It has been used traditionally for over 4,000 years and is highly versatile in many applications today.

Cassava contains a resistant prebiotic fiber that can support gut health by acting as a food source for the beneficial bacteria that live within the microbiome.

We use this fiber extract as a means to control moisture levels within the bars and to avoid over drying during shipping without having to incorporate a synthetic ingredient.

We're proud to work with California-based Anderson Advanced Ingredients to acquire our Cassava Fiber syrup which they brand as Sugar-Free MoistureLok.

We stand by our commitment to remaining fully transparent in all our ingredients and practices and are also proud to use cassava fiber syrup in all of our bars as a natural way to avoid losing moisture.

Can you explain the Natural Fruit Flavors?

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Here at Every Foods we remain committed to fully transparent labels and practices in all that we do.

We're proud to work with California-based Amoretti® to naturally add flavor to our products using their fruit extracts rather than synthetic flavor compounds. 

Our natural fruit flavors are stored in a plant-based vegetable glycerin solution to keep them fresh and vibrant before use.

Relying on natural fruit extracts rather than industrial flavor compounds allows us to remain true to our promise to make as natural a product as possible, while also complementing our bars with an additional layer of fruit flavor already found in their corresponding individual fruit pieces. 

I found a larger piece of nut or seed in my bar, is this normal?

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When making The Every Bar®, nuts and seeds are combined and ground down into what we call the "Every Flour". Natural oils tend to exude the more they're ground down, eventually becoming a butter, so occasionally you'll see some straggler nuts and seeds that didn't get ground down all the way since we can only grind them down so much before it becomes a buttery substance unsuitable for the ideal Every Bar texture .

While these do add the occasional rustic crunch, it goes to show that this process begins from a whole, unprocessed stage in the ingredient and production lifecycle.

Are all the nuts and seeds raw?

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Almost! The bit of crunch you get in the bar comes from our crisped quinoa which is a protein-rich seed oftentimes treated effectively as a grain in many recipes.

The term 'raw' in the world of nuts and seeds applies to things like cashews which actually *need to be* heat treated via brief steaming or boiling in order to remove the urushiol which would otherwise render them poisonous to humans!

We aim for sourcing ingredients that are as minimally-processed and in their most natural state as possible so try an Every Bar today!

The Company

Are we hiring?

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At this time Every Foods operates as a small local manufacturer in Colorado and is not currently opening any positions.

If ever a role does open up we will make this public and follow all applicable employment laws and ethical hiring practices.

Do you operate internationally or wholesale to non-U.S. vendors?

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At this time Every Foods LLC. is licensed to manufacture and sell our product wholesale within the United States from our Colorado manufacturing facility.

We do not currently have any license, permit, nor presense as a legal entity in any other nation, including Canada. If at any time we do offer our products outside the United States we will make this public and be proud to do so!

Shipping & Refunds

I ordered but have an issue!

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Every Foods distributes The Every Bar® wholesale to retailers, so after ordering from said retailer, any shipping, returns, or other technical issues would be handled in-house on the retailer's end (i.e Amazon, Walmart.com).

We're happy to provide the appropriate contact information to help facilitate an amazing customer experience but Every Foods LLC. acts as a manufacturer of our bars rather than a retailer in this case.

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