

It is commonly thought that Quinoa is a grain and has been referred to as a "whole grain" or an "ancient grain", but Quinoa is actually a seed which comes from the Goosefoot plant or the Chenopodium. With that being said, Quinoa is one of the eighteen nuts and seeds that are included in the Every Bar and is a superfood that contains an amazing amount of nutrients and minerals. This amazing seed contains all nine essential amino acids and was an important food source for the Inca peoples and their descendants as it has been grown in South America for thousands of years! 


  • for every one cup of cooked quinoa there is 185 grams of protein
  • an excellent source of lysine (an essential amino acid)
  • amazing source of a plant-based protein
  • has a high fiber content and may aid in weight loss
  • great source for iron and may help balance blood sugar





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