

Consumption of mango fruit and the broad list of uses of the mango tree date back to 4,000 years ago in the modern country of India. The mango tree was introduced to southeastern Asian by Buddhist monks and it was later brought to Africa by Portuguese sailors, from where its newfound popularity spread worldwide. The scientific name of mango is Mangifera indicaYou can find mango in the Goldenberry Mango Every Bar!


  • a cup of fresh mango provides nearly 67% of the daily value of Vitamin C
  • great source of phytochemicals including phenolic acid and mangiferin
  • contain carotenoids and gallotannins which have been linked to anti-inflammaory, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and anti-cancer effects
  • hundreds of varieties of mango exist, each with its own distinctive color, shape, and flavor
  •  Mangos are a member of the cashew family



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