Cassava Root

Cassava Root

The Cassava Root, also known as Yuca and Manioc, is native to South America where it has been cultivated in regions of the Andes mountains and Brazil. Cassava is a great source of carbohydrates, and is a root vegetable that is easy to grow and considered to be a very drought-tolerant crop which makes this root a very important food source for others around the world. Cassava Root is another food in which you need to cook in order to eat because it can be toxic eaten raw. Here at Every Foods, since we like to keep things as natural as possible, we use a little bit of Cassava Root that has been made into a syrup to aid in maintaining moisture levels of the bar.


  • Cassava Root is mostly carbohydrates followed by protein
  • a great source of Vitamin C
  • good source of copper, thiamine, and folate
  • Cassava has a starch called a resistant starch which is similar to a soluble fiber and is able to easily pass through the digestion system
  • since this is a resistant starch food, studies have shown these types of foods may lower inflammation in the body and feed good bacteria in the gut



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